Safe Laser Hair Removal During Summer - Our Guide

One of the cardinal rules of laser hair removal treatment is that you should never expose treated skin to the sun. This is an adage that has always been true, but in some health and wellness circles, it has transformed into a myth that you should never, ever get laser hair removal treatments during summer.

The sunny summer months present a challenge in protecting your skin, especially if you come in for any kind of treatment. But the truth is that laser hair removal is a perfectly safe treatment to get even during the peak of summer. And besides, if you live in a tropical country, you don’t have much choice but to go in for your treatment even when the sun is high in the sky.

Here is a simple guide for safe and healthy laser hair removal during the summer.

Laser Technology Vs. Skin Pigments

One of the persistent myths regarding laser hair removal is that you can’t ever get it done during the summer. This myth began decades ago, when laser treatments were new on the scene. 

Back then, the more primitive lasers could not parse through the various wavelengths on the skin. This meant that if you had darker skin, the more difficult it was to remove hair. If you have a summer tan, the laser will not be able to distinguish hair from the surface of your skin.

Modern technology has changed all that. In the last few years, laser treatments have become much more efficient in identifying and finding the melanin pigments on the skin to remove hair safely.

That doesn’t mean you should go out and get a tan right before coming in for laser hair removal. Until today, the best practice for a thorough, perfect treatment would be to go for removal before tanning or wait for the tan to fade before booking an appointment.

While it is still possible to receive treatment even with a tan, the laser may not be as efficient and aggressive when targeting pigments. You may have to come in for more follow-up sessions than if you had come in pre-tan. For optimal results, coming in with your pre-summer skin would still be ideal.

Protecting Treated Skin From The Sun

When it comes to laser hair removal, sun avoidance is one rule that you absolutely should not break. Shielding your target areas from the sun a few weeks before your appointment will get you the best results. Heat makes your skin more sensitive, and when sensitive skin is placed under a laser, it can cause burns, hyperpigmentation, even scars.

Once you’ve had your treatment done, you must avoid sun exposure for at least two weeks. Laser removal opens up your pores, making your skin vulnerable and more prone to damage. This is why you should avoid not just the sun but also exfoliation treatments, pools, beaches, saunas, and even the gym for the first few days after treatment.

Laser Hair Removal During Summer

Hopefully, this article has helped convince you that it is perfectly fine to come in for laser hair removal during the summer months. It’s even better if you choose to treat areas that wouldn’t be exposed to the sun much at all, such as your underarm and bikini areas. Your legs are perfectly safe, too, as long as you wear long pants to adhere to the two-week rule before and after your appointment.

It’s essential to protect your skin at all times, no matter what time of year you come in for laser hair removal treatments. You should wear sunscreen every day without fail, even when it’s overcast outside or if you’re only spending the day at home.


For many women, laser hair removal is a necessary appointment to set before the peak summer months begin. Beach season means hair removal, right? But that doesn’t mean you should buy into a myth that you shouldn’t ever go in for treatment when it’s summer.

The important thing is to shield your target areas from the sun for at least two weeks before and after your appointment. This way, you will keep your skin safe and healthy as you undergo treatment!

Are you looking for laser hair removal treatment in Bali? CleanSlate Laser Clinic offers clinical treatments that will bring new confidence for the changes to your selected areas.

We use world-class certified clinical and medical-grade equipment to provide affordable and safe procedures for you. Book an appointment with us today!


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