Top 5 Factors That Affect A Laser Tattoo Removal Progress

Laser Tattoo Removal Procedure

Laser tattoo removal can be an excellent way to eliminate an unwanted tattoo. However, it is essential to understand that the process can take some time to complete. 

Reliant on the size and depth of the tattoo, it can take anywhere from a few sessions to several months to see results.

Numerous questions typically accompany the decision to get a tattoo erased. "How soon will the laser treatment remove my tattoo?" is one of the most frequent queries we get from tattoo removal customers.

Laser Tattoo Removal 

Laser tattoo removal usually takes five to ten treatments, with at least a six-week gap between each one. This removes the ink pigment particles, allowing the body to heal completely. 

In other words, it can take between 30 and 60 weeks to obtain the desired result. Nevertheless, a variety of factors affect laser tattoo removal. In this essay, we'll cover a couple of those aspects.

We'll also discuss strategies to speed up tattoo removal, how quickly the tattooed area heals, and possible explanations for why your tattoo may not fade even after laser treatment. 

You'll be able to see tattoo removal progress more rapidly as a result.

How Long Will a Tattoo Removal Laser Treatment Take?

Laser therapy will progressively fade your tattoo over 7 to 15 months (or longer).

"Tattoo fading" might be a better phrase to describe the results of laser treatment. The immune system will be better able to clear the laser-separated tattoo ink particles if this is done.

The tattoo ink cannot be wholly deteriorated at once. However, when the tattoo is decomposed and passed through the body, its luster fades. 

To remove broken-off tattoo ink, the body requires some time. You'll need to wait for your immune system to activate between treatments.

Additionally, you'll need to wait for your skin to recover its health and cure any blisters or scabs that may have formed during the laser treatment because there is a limit to how many lasers passes the skin can tolerate in a short amount of time.

How Long Does A Removed Tattoo Take To Heal?

The treated area takes around four weeks to heal. We recommend a 6-week gap between treatments to allow the skin to recover completely.

Your health and immune system significantly impact how long the healing process takes.

What Factors Affect Laser Tattoo Removal?

Many things can affect how quickly a tattoo fades. Here are some factors that affect laser tattoo removal: 

Tattoo Placement 

Laser treatment works best on body parts with a high lymph node density and strong blood flow.

If you remember, when we discussed how tattoos are removed, we noted that the process of laser tattoo removal includes the laser generating energy absorbed by the skin and causing the pigments in the tattoo ink to break down. 

You should also be aware that macrophages move via the lymph nodes where filtration occurs.

Numerous lymph nodes and active blood flow may be found in your chest, face, and neck. The tattoo ink there thus wears off more quickly.

The tattoo will fade slowly on your hands and feet because there are fewer lymph nodes than elsewhere on your body.

Tattoo Age 

Lasers hasten the tattoos' normal fading process. Without lasers, they might never truly vanish. The tattoo's age will affect how soon the laser therapy works.

More sessions are required because the ink pigments in recent tattoos are still firmly packed inside the dermis.

Quality of Ink 

Tattoo ink can be of varying grades. Low-quality inks fade more quickly than high-quality inks for apparent reasons.

Tattoo Color 

Since they quickly absorb laser light, dark colors like black, dark green, dark blue, etc., are the easiest to remove.

The exact opposite is true when using vivid hues. Therefore, getting rid of them takes more effort and time.

Skin Tone

People with lighter skin tones are likelier to succeed and see results more rapidly. This makes it easier for the laser pulses to focus on and remove the tattoo since the laser can distinguish between light skin tone and dark tattoo pigment.

Second, because those with darker complexion have more melanin, they are given special care. 


People who want to get rid of tattoos frequently use laser tattoo removal. The procedure involves using a laser to fragment the tattoo's ink, progressively allowing the body to get rid of the tattoo over time. The length of the process differs based on the size and placement of the tattoo, but it usually takes a few months to complete.

Experience the comfort and assurance you can only get at CleanSlate with World Class Certified Clinical & Medical Grade Equipment. Book an appointment with us for laser tattoo removal!


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