5 Common Misconceptions about Lip Injections Debunked

Lip Injections

Lip filler has become popular in the following years as a non surgical option to enhance your lips feature or to create a defined lip shape, but there is a lot of stigmas when it comes to lip fillers. As you might have guessed, the secret is out, and now it’s more popular than ever. Because of this, there are plenty of different opinions regarding what lip injections are, what they do, and how they can benefit someone considering this treatment. 

Here are a few common misconceptions about lip injections, and we’ll puncture these myths with a needle so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not it’s right for you.

Lip Injections Will Make Your Lips Feel Unnatural

The myth that lip fillers make your lips feel unnatural couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, it’s exactly the opposite. Some indeed try to achieve an oddly shaped lip by receiving lip injections, but these are the minority of people who seek out this treatment. 

Lip injections are for anyone who wants to enhance the appearance of their lips. Sometimes, it’s merely for a plumper look. Other times, it’s for someone who wants to have the appearance of fuller lips. When it comes to lip injections, there is a solution for everyone.

You Are Too Young to Have a Lip Filler

Being too young to get a lip filler is yet another one that couldn’t be farther from reality. While it’s true that many celebrities have received lip injections, it’s not only to remove wrinkles from age maturity. 

Many people in their twenties and thirties receive this treatment to give themselves the appearance of fuller lips. This procedure can be done to anyone over twenty-one, so don’t worry if you’re a little worried about getting one.

Lip Fillers Will Cause Your Lips to Deflate or Stretch

Like the other myths we’ve busted, believing that lip fillers will cause your lips to deflate or stretch is absolutely false. Lip injections are non-invasive procedures, and there is nothing that can deflate or stretch the lips. 

It is a treatment that is meant to enhance what is already there. You will have the same lips as before once you have the treatment, but the difference is they will be much plumper and fuller.

You Will Need to Constantly Refill Your Lips Since They Don’t Last Long

Needing to constantly return to the clinic for lip fillers because one session doesn’t last long is definitely false, and it’s a common misconception about the procedure. With the right amount of filler, you can expect to have it for an extended period. 

Technically, it should last you up to one year, when you take care of your lips correctly. All you have to do is maintain your lips to ensure that they are clean and free from micro-abrasions, and you will be good to go.

Lip Injections Cause Scars

Again, believing that lip injections lead to scarring is false, as they are non-invasive and they don’t leave any marks behind, either. Instead, they are meant to enhance the natural beauty you already have, so there shouldn’t be any reason to worry about getting any marks from it.


There you have it—the five biggest misconceptions about lip injections. There are a lot of myths floating around out there, but these are the most common ones, which you shouldn’t believe. Lip injections are an excellent option to enhance your lips, and it’s something you may want to consider if you aren’t satisfied with your appearance. You don’t want to pass up an opportunity to feel good about how your lips look, and that’s why it’s important to address these myths.

CleanSlate Laser Clinic is a world-class certified clinical and medical-grade equipment that offers services, such as incorporating lip fillers in Bali. Let us gain confidence back by having fuller and plumper lips. Schedule an appointment today!


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